Pierre-Yves Longaretti                

pierre-yves.longaretti at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
pierre-yves.longaretti at inria.fr



Delannoy, Longaretti, Murphy, Prados. Gross vs. net energy of oil liquids at global scale: the reconsideration of peak oil. Submitted to Ecological Economics

Bevione, Courtonne, Buclet, Longaretti, Desvaux. Analyzing territorial metabolism to characterize the vulnerability and capabilities of wealth creation activities in the French Alps Maurienne valley. Submitted to Regional Environmental Change

Longaretti, Schmaltz. Croissance économique, découplage & gaz à effet de serre : objectifs chiffrés et lois de la physique. Refereed paper at the "Droit et Chiffre(s)" colloquium, Lyon, 10/08/2020

Longaretti. Risques systémiques globaux et risques d’effondrement - Quels éléments d’analyse scientifque, pour quels types de risque ? Lettre d'Information sur les Risques et Crises (LIREC), 62, 9-13


SHERPA Homepage
STEEP Homepage

Last updated:
March 2021
I am research scientist of the French National center for Research (CNRS), at IPAG (Grenoble planetology astrophysics laoratory), and previously at LAT (Toulouse Astrophysics Laboratory). I am also member of the INRIA STEEP team. In the last few years, my research activity has been mostly devoted to sustainability science. However I still have a theoretical activity in in dynamical planetology.
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On the dynamics side, my work focuses on the coupled dynamics of planetary rings and planetary satellites. In the past, I have been working on hydrodynamic and MHD turbulence in accretion discs. The recent aspects of my research activity are described in the Dynamics section.

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Since 2005, I have been spending an increasing fraction of my time on environmental issues and their relations to human development, both in terms of outreach and research. This now constitues the core of my research activity, which bears on the question of sustainability of coupled social-ecological systems at the local to regional scales. This aspect of my activity is described in the Sustainability section.

Recent PhD students

Louis Delannoy (2019 - ): PhD on global systemic risks

Mathilde Duplessix (2019 - ): PhD on the robustness of global collapse models

François-Rémi Mazy (2019 - ): PhD on the theoretical foundations of statistical Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC) modelling