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I am PhD. student since September 2021 in the STEEP team of INRIA and the CHROMA team of INRIA, I am attached to the ED MSTII and the LJK. The thesis is entitled “Relocation of productive industry: an approach by graphs and constraints” and is directed by Mathieu Mangeot, Christine Solnon et Jean-Yves Courtonne.

The objective is to produce a methodology and perhaps a tool to shed light on the trade-offs around the choice of geographical scale in the productive industry, i.e. organizing a sector on a large scale allows to specialize the territories and the soils allowing a greater efficiency, but this surely generates pressures (transport, mono-culture,…) and makes the territories interdependent. An organization on a smaller scale could have interests on resilience or self-sufficiency of territories. However, studies on this issue of scale choice are scarse.The idea of the thesis is therefore to propose a methodology to be able to evaluate and understand the trade-offs around scale choice.

The idea of the thesis is therefore to propose a methodology to be able to evaluate and understand the trade-offs around scale choice.

To do this, I use optimization to produce a model of the studied sector or productive system under constraints that come from both the physical reality of the processes and the envisaged scenarios. The exchanges between the actors are modeled using graphs.

Keywords: optimization, biophysical economics, multi-scale, multi-criteria, socio-technical alternatives

Contact : leon.fauste[at]inria.fr